
We create essential resources to support and encourage turkey growers everywhere.  We also raise heritage turkeys for our local community.

We are a small, family farm that started with a desire to grow and raise our own food.   We discovered that heritage turkeys fit our homestead with more meat and profit per bird than chickens and less investment of time, space, and money than larger livestock.

 For us, it did not take long to fall in love with turkeys and to find opportunities to serve others who who share the same dream.

When we first started raising heritage turkeys we had to purchase them from outside sources.  Not knowing where to go, we first reached out to a farm about an hour away and purchased 11 poults.  The poults were covered in stick tight fleas.  There were so many fleas on their heads and necks.  It looked like they were covered in scabs and had solid black eyeliner.  I spent hours pulling fleas off each poult with tweezers.  That week I understood some small turkey farmers could truly benefit from fresh and uncomplicated education on how to care for their flocks.  My years at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo University earning a bachelors of science degree in Animal Science offered comprehensive classes and valuable hands on labs raising poultry and other livestock.  Now, after spending time with heritage turkeys on our own farm, I am committed and motivated to share all I can about raising these incredible birds with others.

Still having just a small flock, we desired to bring in a few more poults to diversify genetics and have more heritage turkeys to choose from in establishing our breeding toms and hens.  So we purchased day old poults that were shipped by USPS.  Although I felt safe because it is common practice, it ended just as you would expect.  We lost half of the rare, critically endangered Chocolate poults on day one and several Bourbon Reds died the second day.  Even more devastating was the box with our Narragansetts was delayed one day in shipping.  When we finally received our poults we did everything we could to rehydrate them, warm them and give them a good start at life, but for almost every single poult, it was too late.  Half had died in shipping, and all but one died over the next 36 hours.  It was such needless loss.  Right then I decided that our community not only needed more information on how to care for their turkeys, but we also need small farms all over the country to provide cherished, healthy, local heritage turkey poults.


Through our experience, we believe heritage turkeys are the perfect addition to any homestead or backyard poultry farm.  Being larger than chickens, turkeys offer more meat and profit.

 Will you join us on this fun journey of learning and providing healthy food for our families and communities?